Friday, October 4, 2013

Last night, the world shut down what it was doing in anticipation of the opening premier season of Scandal. I to was glued to the screen, but I soon became uneasy and uncomfortable.
The scene in particular was one of three persons with three motives and intentions. One wanted to tell the truth and suffer the consequences if it meant he could still be with the one he loved. The second wanted to "fix" it and protect the person she loved and the third didn't want to be embarrassed. We watched as they covered up, rationalized and minimized their bad choices. It reminded me of my own sinfulness, and bad choices. It reminded me of the things I did great and small that only God knows. It reminded me of the secrets I've kept to protect those that I love. It reminded me of the things I have thought, said and done that would bring me shame and embarrassment. I felt hopeless and dirty and hypocritical and then I saw something in the corner of the room. Someone in the shadow of my life. Someone who is greater to call then Olivia Pope. It was Jesus! The great fixer who reminded me that yes I do have secrets that I will keep to protect the ones I love. And yes I do cover up the past mistakes of others because I love them and because they are forgiven. Jesus reminded me that I can and have and will do that for others because He has done that for me. He took on my sin as if it was His own and the penalty that came with it. But not only that, He also dried my tears and gave me His coat and presented me in front of the world and ultimately in the presence of the Father, without spot or blemish. He told me I was forgiven, that I could move forward. Ultimately, in the words of Olivia Pope, He said ... "its handled"