Thursday, July 17, 2008

She's Not Heavy, She's My Daughter!

As many of you know, I suffered a pretty bad back injury not too long ago. I've been getting around pretty good for a guy my age (LOL), but I'm not quite 100% yet. Well, the other night while walking around Walmart, my oldest daughter decides to jump on my back and ask me to give her a tour of the place while we were looking for the rest of the family. Before I could tell her to get down before we both go down, she grabs me tight and tells me how no matter how old she gets, she's still going to get on my back even when she's married. At that point there wasn't enough pain in the world that could make me put my daughter down. By the time we were ready to leave Walmart, I had given all three of my daughter's piggy-back rides. The Marines have a saying that "pain is just weakness leaving the body" well that must be true because in the midst of all the pain I am made to feel strong. By the way, my oldest is almost 16 now and almost as tall as me, but don't worry, She's not heavy, she's my daughter.

My prayer this year has been, "Lord, make me half the man my kids think I am."

Will you pray that prayer with me?

1 comment:

AllForYeshua said...


I have always kept the two of you and your children in my prayers and will pray with you on that one too. Wow, your daughter is sixteen and almost as tall as you?

Terri :)